
Research and innovation in medical dermo-cosmetics and dermatology

Matriscience conducts research in the fields of medical dermo-cosmetics and dermatology based on the analysis of dermo-epidermal interactions and cross-talk exchanges between keratinocytes and fibroblasts. Our quantitative video microscopy platform uses the information transfers of the conditioned media generated by cell populations. Integrative proteomics allows us to understand the nature of the inter-tissue message in the epithelial-mesenchymal regulation. 
Our research
Our research is based on the in vitro exploration of the dermo-epidermal interaction, also known as cross-talk.
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Our innovations
We develop our own concepts and active principles, such as Neurodermine.
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Research partnerships
Our technology platform enables us to evaluate new concepts and to verify the effectiveness of our partners’ active principles.
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A team

Matriscience is an innovative start-up (« jeune entreprise innovante ») which was created in 2007. Its central focus is to search for innovative concepts in the fields of dermatology and medical dermo-cosmetics (R&D tax credit approved). Our research team works within the business incubator Paris Biotech Santé at the Cochin Hospital in Paris, France.
Jean-Alexis Grimaud,
Research Director,
President of Matriscience
Béatrice Muscatelli-Groux, Project Manager
Joanna Pawlak, Research Engineer
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